Latin America Benzyl Chloride Market Price, Size, Share 2023-2028

Latin America Benzyl Chloride Market Price, Size, Share 2023-2028
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El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado de Cloruro de Bencilo en América Latina, Informe y Pronóstico 2023-2028′, analiza el mercado en función de aplicación, uso final, y las zonas geográficas importantes. El informe evalúa las tendencias importantes del mercado y las variables que influyen en el éxito de su expansión, y también examina la dinámica del mercado a través de los indicadores de precios y la evolución de la demanda. Además, se analizan las limitaciones del sector y se estudia cómo afectan al mercado mundial, al tiempo que se realizan análisis FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter del mercado.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Benzyl Chloride Market 2023-2028’ , gives an in-depth survey of the market, gauging the growth based on application, end use, and key regions. The report delves into factors and constraints that are shaping the market outlook. It analyses the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market including the opportunities posed by them. The study also assesses the market dynamics, covering the key demand and price indicators, threats of substitutes and entrants, and company overviews, along with analyzing the market based on the SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

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Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2018-2028)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2023-2028): 3,75%

En 2021, el mercado latinoamericano de cloruro de bencilo obtuvo un volumen de casi 38 mil toneladas. Uno de los usos más comunes del cloruro de bencilo es el alcohol bencílico, que se utiliza en cosas como disolventes, productos naturales para la salud, cosméticos, aromatizantes y colores textiles. Esto lleva a la conclusión de que, como el alcohol bencílico se prepara y se utiliza para una variedad de aplicaciones, hay una necesidad creciente de cloruro de bencilo con el tiempo. Como intermediario químico, los compuestos de cloruro de bencilo se utilizan cada vez más a lo largo del tiempo. Además, existe una demanda para la fabricación de compuestos de amonio cuaternario de bencilo, y las principales empresas están registrando picos en las solicitudes de suministro para satisfacer la demanda.

Las industrias de tratamiento del agua y de la salud utilizan cada vez más el cloruro de bencilo. La fabricación de alcohol bencílico, que se utiliza en las pinturas, requiere cloruro de bencilo, y el sector de los revestimientos está en expansión. El uso del cloruro de bencilo como precursor de los ésteres de bencilo se está extendiendo en numerosas aplicaciones, como perfumes, aromatizantes y plastificantes en muchos países. Los avances significativos en la industria de las pinturas y los revestimientos han aumentado la aparición del alcohol bencílico. El pronóstico del mercado también se verá influido por el creciente uso del producto en plastificantes, tensioactivos, fragancias, aromas, medicamentos y productos de cuidado personal.

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Industry Definition and Major Segments

Benzyl chloride is primarily an odourless, fuming, organochlorine liquid chemical that is produced by converting benzo trichloride to benzoic acid or water. The product demand, however, may be somewhat hampered by its negative consequences, such as breathing issues, throat infections, and eye irritation. a powerful and unplanted organic compound with the chemical structure benzyl chloride. Another name for benzoyl chloride is -chlorotoluene. It is produced when toluene and chlorine interact photochemically in the gas phase, and its main use is to modify the chemical properties of molecules by giving the product a benzyl functionality.

Based on application, the industry is divided into:

Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Cyanide, Benzyl Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Benzyl Phthalates, Benzyl Ester, Others

Some of the major end uses in the market are:

Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Paint and Coating, Agrochemical, Others

Key regions covered include:

Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Others

Market Trends

The market expansion of benzyl chloride in Latin America is being constrained by the use of an alternate benzyl alcohol synthesis method. In order to accelerate growth, it is also employed in the manufacture of benzyl cyanide and benzyl quaternary ammonium compounds. In nations like Brazil and Mexico, the demand for chemical and pharmaceutical products is rising.

Additionally, the expansion of the coatings industry, rising paint sales, and increased government spending on infrastructure will all contribute to the benzyl chloride market. Market participants have used a variety of tactics, including acquisition and mergers with all the well-established and regional participants.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

Lanxess, Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd, Valtris Specialty Chemicals, Hubei Phoenix Chemical Company Limited, Alfa Aesar, Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

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Company Name: Informes De Expertos
Contact Person: Irene Garcia, Corporate Sales Specialist – U.S.A.
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Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA

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