Myths & Facts about Liver Transplant Cost

Myths & Facts about Liver Transplant Cost
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If an individual deal with liver failure, opting for liver surgery will indeed be the best bet. You can get in touch with some of the most reliable healthcare centers and gain information about liver transplant costs in India.

In this process, the liver is either donated from a deceased person or a part can be transferred to the patient from a living donor. It is a treatment option for those individuals who suffer from end-stage chronic liver disease. Some of the causes that lead to liver failure are:

  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Genetic reasons such as Wilson’s disease and hemochromatosis
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis, biliary atresia, and primary sclerosing cholangitis

The process of liver transplant is capable of treating different kinds of cancers that typically take place in your liver. Check out the potential symptoms at a quick glance:

  • Tiredness and dizziness throughout the entire day
  • Reduction in immunity
  • Wanting to puke on a frequent basis
  • Edema- swelling of various body parts
  • Swelling of the spleen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Lowering of platelet counts

If you are looking forward to learning about the different kinds of liver transplantation myths and facts, you have paved your way to the right place. Take a quick look at this article, and you can uncover some valuable insights in no time. Let’s delve deeper without any further ado.

Highlighting the Myths and Facts About Liver Transplantation

Go through the plethora of myths and facts stated below in this article:

  • Myth: People often believe that receiving a liver from a donor is better than getting it donated from a deceased individual.

Fact: Well, this is not really true. Even if you choose to opt for a deceased donor, healthcare professionals will make sure to pre-examine it before donating. In simple words, the same levels of risk factors might take place in both cases.

  • Myth: Rich people get the scope for liver transplantation when compared to poor individuals.

Fact: Again, this is a myth that shouldn’t be entertained under any given scenario. Whenever these kinds of cases are registered, the decision is based on the urgency of the transplantation purpose. They will learn about the disease, followed by other aspects of prime importance rather than checking out their financial background.

  • Myth: This process can cure you completely.

Fact: While this myth might be extremely easy to accept, it is not at all true. One can get cured by taking good care and following the instructions of the health professional after undergoing the transplantation process. However, not every transplantation case is successful. According to statistics, it is quite evident that the first liver transplant took place in 1963, and the first successful process was done in 1970.

  • Myth: Doctors tend to carry out the transplantation process even after knowing that it will lead to the failure of a liver transplant. It is a smart way to extract money.

Fact: The number of potential receivers has surpassed the number of liver donors. That’s why transplanting organs is no less than a crucial challenge for healthcare experts. A surgeon will never suggest undergoing liver transplantation, knowing that it will fail.

  • Myth: Patients think that they might not receive a healthy liver after opting for this transplantation process.

Fact: Nothing but healthy organs are used in this transplantation procedure. They strive hard to perform screening, thus making further decisions.

  • Myth: Some individuals believe that they are not allowed to donate their livers because of their religion.

Fact: There is a huge gap between saving someone’s life and their religious belief. One can always decide to register as an organ donor, thus contributing toward an honorable cause. All you need to do is keep your religious belief aside and choose humanity; that’s it.

  • Myth: Liver transplants are extremely costly.

Fact: The liver transplant cost in India is typically based on your location. To be honest, these treatment procedures won’t break the bank or burn a hole in your pocket.

Some of the other myths are:

  • The quality of the donated livers is different in both deceased and live donors.
  • One can’t undergo liver transplantation until and unless one reaches a specific age.
  • Liver transplantation is the solution for cancer and nothing less.

Check out some of the facts at a quick glance:

  • The liver has two identities- it is both an organ and a gland.
  • It is the largest organ next to the skin.
  • The liver is responsible for performing more than 500 functions.
  • The liver is capable of regenerating itself.
  • The working liver is equivalent to a functioning brain.

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To Sign Off

These are some of the myths and facts related to liver transplants. In order to receive high-quality services, you can always contact specialized hospitals like BLK Max Hospital. They will inform you about the liver transplant cost in India while enabling you to attend wellness and well-being.

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