Most people think that they must water their begonias daily. This isn’t the case. They just need water if they are dry. If they receive enough water during the summer months, they will not need to be watered at all during the winter.
To make sure you get enough moisture throughout the growing season, add a layer of mulch around the plants to reduce evaporation and increase the temperature of the soil. Be sure to keep it moist.
You should water once per week, although more water may be necessary when the temperature is high or the plants are crowded.
If you live in an area that has a cold climate, you should try to raise Begonia Seeds your begonias in the spring when temperatures are cooler. If you live in an area with mild winters, wait until the temperatures rise in late summer or early fall. It is easy to tell whether your plants need watering
when they are wilting or turning yellow, so you should always check them before giving them water. When you water your begonias, you should use a drip-feed system instead of a regular watering can.