How to view archived photos on Instagram

How to view archived photos on Instagram
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Ever wanted to delete a photo from Instagram but were afraid you’d regret it later? Buymalaysianfollowers, Thankfully, nowadays, we have the function of archiving pictures on social networks. And it can be much more useful than you might think.

Continue reading this article to learn everything about archived photos on Instagram. In addition to tutorials for you to archive, access, and unarchive your posts on the social network, we also want to show you how the resource can be useful for a well-thought-out marketing strategy.

What is Instagram photo archiving?

Do you know when you’re not sure if you want that feed post? Archiving Instagram posts allows you to take that photo from there without having to be afraid of regretting it later. That’s because, instead of permanently deleting the image, you can “save” it in a folder within the app that only you can access without having to delete it. Afterward, if you change your mind and want to bring it back, retrieve it, and it goes back exactly where it was in your Feed.

In the case of Stories, archived posts work a little differently, but the idea is the same. There, Stories that complete more than 24 hours are automatically stored in this folder within the app, which is visible only to you.

Only posts from Feed, Stories, and saved Lives are in the archived items folder. Reel videos don’t have this feature. buy Instagram followers Malaysia

How to archive photos from Instagram Feed

To archive a post on Instagram, follow these steps:

  • Go to your profile
  • Choose the position you want to archive
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Tap on Archive

Where are archived Instagram photos

Archived a post and want to know where to find it. Or do you want to recover an old Story? Here we will show you where the archived Instagram photos are and how to get to them:

  • Open your profile
  • Click on the three dashes
  • Tap Archived Items

If you want to switch between Stories, Feed, or Lives, open the menu and choose between: Stories Archives Archive Posts (Feed Posts), or Archived Items from Live Streams (Saved Lives)

How to recover archived Instagram photos

After accessing the Archived Items screen, to recover a hidden photo, do the following:

  • On the Archived Items screen, choose the post you want to recover
  • When opening the center, click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Tap Show on the profile

If you click “Delete,” the post will be moved to your Recently Deleted folder, where it will be available for another 30 days just for you. After that time, the center is permanently deleted. If you want to delete the photo before the 30 days have passed, always go to that folder and click delete to buy instagram followers malaysia

How to archive all Instagram photos at once?

This option is a dream for anyone who wants to start over from scratch in Feed. But unfortunately, Instagram still needs to offer this feature of archiving all photos at once. The way is to go one by one until you finish everything. 

If that’s your plan, delete it little by little and start from the oldest if you don’t want anyone to notice that your Feed is “disappearing.” But if you have a lot of photos and it’s hard to get to the bottom, it’s better to go the other way and start with the most recent ones.

When and why to archive an Instagram post?

The answer to these questions is very simple: whenever you want.If you’re tired of a photo, you’re not sure if you like how you looked in that video, or if the image doesn’t match your Feed, archive it! That simple. 

But, there are some more specific cases in which this functionality can be very useful for profiles of brands or content creators, and here we will bring you an example of 4 to inspire you in future actions or special campaigns:

Generate anticipation and arouse curiosity.

Are you about to make a big launch and want to generate curiosity in your audience? Removing your posts can be a great way to build suspense and get everyone looking forward to what’s to come. buymalaysianfollowers

That’s what Taylor Swift did in 2017, in a very interesting marketing move to launch her album Reputation. Before promoting the new era, the singer disappeared with all the photos on her Instagram (and all social networks), only to begin making mysterious posts shortly after with clues about the launch, generating huge expectations.

Taylor didn’t get to retrieve her photos after that – as the feature wasn’t released until later – but it’s a great inspiration on how to take advantage of the novelty to work the feeling of anticipation in public.

Create a narrative

The second case we will mention here also aroused a lot of curiosity and expectations in people. Still, the most interesting thing was how the marketing strategy could reinforce a narrative by archiving photos on Instagram.

In 2019, actress Blake Lively mysteriously archived all her Instagram photos and even stopped following her husband’s profile on the social network, which caught the attention of many people. Later, we discovered that it was all just a marketing stunt for the movie A Simple Favor, which was coming out soon. In the film, the character played by Lively disappeared mysteriously and without a trace, which had everything to do with the proposal to “disappear from the map” on Instagram. 

This is yet another creative example of how the resource can be useful in a well-thought-out action to promote a product, service, or launch, as was the case with the actress.  

Reorganize the Feed

You don’t need a great reason to archive your Instagram photos. A simple one organized in the Feed is reason enough to take advantage of the functionality. 

If you want to convey something more specific with your profile, make it more visually organized, or cut those posts that seem to be “polluting” the set, take advantage of the feature of archiving photos to “hide” your posts and evaluate how to leave your Organized instagram followers malaysia


In the case of Stories, archived posts have already been completed 24 hours and “disappeared” to their followers. You can easily recover them to make a #tbt (the famous throwback Thursday) and remember old moments or a special day.

Choose themes or a specific date and combine several Stories from that day or subject to create a Highlight on your profile using archived items. 

Many people and brands also use this feature to do a year-end retrospective, as Instagram allows you to view Stories stored on a calendar and share each with the date they were posted.

Does archiving a photo hurt engagement on Instagram?

A common question is whether archiving posts on Instagram can harm your profile’s engagement and reach.There has yet to be an official response from the social network. Still, one thing we can guarantee: if you archive a newly posted post (whether to correct something in the caption, reorganize the Feed, etc.), your engagement and reach could certainly be harmed, as the delivery of the post will stop while it is archived. buymalaysianfollowers

On the other hand, if you’re archiving older posts from your profile, it shouldn’t hurt your content anymore! After all, it was no longer being delivered by the social network in the Feed of its followers.

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